Our Services

Providing traceable green environmental rights products and one-stop ESG compliance services

EACs/Green Energy Trading and Traceability

We offer traceable green certificate/green energy tradingservices to assist enterprises in reducing Scope 2 electricity emissions.

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CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) Fill-in

Assisting enterprises in organizing and completing the content organization and filing of CBAM declaration materials required by EU Regulation (EU) 2023/956, in coordination with importers' work. Helping reporting enterprises implement reasonable carbon reduction plans for product production, reduce the emissions of exported products, and avoid high carbon tariffs.

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Enhanced ESG Ratings

Based on the international mainstream disclosure frameworkCDP, we provide ESG information disclosure, rating enhancement, and corporateESG report writing services. Our service brand offers comprehensive carbonfootprint accounting for the supply chain, setting emission reduction targets,and supply chain decarbonization services.

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EACs/Carbon Asset Development & Verification

Provide greencertificate/carbon asset development and technical verification services basedon standards such as I-REC, CCER, VCS, GS for renewable energy projects.

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Industry Cases

Bravowhale Technology has provided a variety of ESG compliance services, including I-REC international green certificates, VPPA green power traceability, to dozens of industries and hundreds of enterprises. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, listed corporations, central state-owned enterprises, and industry leaders.

Battery and Energy Storage Industry
Apparel and textile supply chain
Automotive and its supply chain

Our Advantages

In collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce's affiliated unit, China International Electronic Commerce Center, the top four international auditing firms in China, Deloitte China, CDP (a globally renowned authoritative green supply chain rating agency), the International Tracking Standard Foundation(I-TRACK), China's only national chamber of commerce in the electromechanical products import and export industry, China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, and China Machinery Import and Export (Group) Corporation, among other partners and service providers, we collectively offer enterprises one-stop consulting and services in compliance with the strictest regulations and ESG compliance audit standards in China, the European Union, the United States, and elsewhere.


   在全球可持续发展浪潮的推动下,出口企业尤其是钢铁、铝、机电、化工、纺织、动力电池等行业,面临着严峻的ESG合规挑战。欧盟碳关税、新电池法等政策的实施,更是提高了企业的市场准入难度。  在此背景下,祺鲲科技联合中远海运集团旗下南华物流,为出口企业推出了航运ESG合规标准化服务。为进一步帮助南通口岸实现航运贸易便利化,日前,双方与南通中远海运物流合作举办了“ESG合规与国际供应链减排实践”专题研讨会,旨在为南通地区的出口企业提供标准化的一站式ESG出口合规服务,帮助企业以高效、便捷且低成本的方式满足碳盘查、CBAM申报、碳减排和绿色能源使用等需求。  会议现场  南通市崇川区商务局、开发区海事处、开发区管委会等相关领导,以及南华物流总经理刘毅、董事及副总经理孟大观,南通中远海运物流董事长、党委书记高桂东等企业高层出席本次研讨会。此外,南通通海港口、寰宇东方国际集装箱、江苏润邦重
在全球化的浪潮中,企业可持续发展已成为共识。近日,上海祺鲲科技作为中国欧盟商会的成员,受邀参与了商会举办的“企业可持续发展”欧盟相关政策讨论圆桌会议。CEO朱绍康与来自Dun & Bradstreet、DS Avocats、Duke University、DI-Asia Base等机构的负责人,以及快消品、家居、汽车、电子业内的近60家全球供应链上下游知名企业代表,共同深入探讨了企业面临不同国际法案和披露标准的应对策略。面对欧盟不断更新的环境披露要求,企业普遍感受到了压力。4月24日,欧洲议会通过了《企业可持续发展尽职调查指令》(CSDDD),确立了新的ESG法规,这不仅影响了企业自身,也直接触及了整个供应链。朱绍康在会议中分享了上海祺鲲科技如何利用技术手段,链接不同法规的底层逻辑,通过数据的溯源及核查验证,以确保碳资产的真实性,以及绿色权益的唯一性,助力企业跨越国内外法规的壁垒。


Founded in September 2014, Bravowhale Technology Co., Ltd. has established itself as a global premier provider of ESG compliance services. Our commitment to digital innovation empowers corporations to align with ESG compliance, meet the most stringent international standards of their ESG reports through the use of transparent and verifiable data. Our rigorous approach ensures adherence to the most exacting international standards, while also facilitating the continuous enhancement of corporate ESG ratings. We are dedicated to delivering intelligent, professional, and uniform ESG compliance solutions to a diverse array of businesses, encapsulated within our comprehensive one-stop service model.

SH Office

21F Shanghai Taikang Insurance
Building No.429,Nanquan North Rd,
Pudong District Shanghai,China

BJ Office

36F, China World Tower 1 No.1
Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue
Chaoyang District Beijing, China

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+86 21 5077 7029

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